Prevent creative burnout
Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash
Burnout can hit anyone at any time. The symptoms are often just as much physical as they are mental, so it’s important to take this seriously.
01: Quality over quantity
It sounds simple, but to be successful you do not need to be creating 24 hours a day! Or even 8! Ignore what’s happening around you and work in the way that’s best suited to your individual needs.
02: Find a release
As creatives, we often spend our days glued to our screens. But our mind needs a distraction and our body needs an outlet. Whether it be working out, meditation, baking or singing, try to incorporate it into your routine, not just when it’s too late as an emergency response to burnout.
03: Know your breaking point and understand your triggers
Take care of yourself - sleep, fresh air and nutritious foods are so important. Identifying your triggers will help prevent future burnout so you can reign it in before anything hits the fan too badly!
04: Do things that make you happy
For example, see your friends or go on a dog walk. Do not neglect your inner social animal! It’s important to continue to feed your brain with experiences and emotions to maintain creativity. Locking yourself in a room and turning off all external distractions rarely works for long periods of time.
05: Separate your creating and living spaces
Whether or not creating is your job, you should treat it like one. Just as we wouldn’t recommend working where you sleep for instance, ideally if you can find a space that’s dedicated to creating, to have some form of boundary, that would be best.
06: Don’t be afraid to say no!
Give yourself / your client realistic deadlines and don’t take on more work than you can manage (if you can avoid it). Promising to turn something around in a day when you know you’re already packed is a surefire recipe for stress!
07: Remember the world won't end if you stop
We aren't doctors saving lives. So while our work is important for society (remember the value of art!), we can afford to take a few days to slow down and reset - 7 days out of the office is better for everyone rather than you feeling exhausted for months and months.
And there you have it!