Making valuable connections
Written by Jorja Taylor
I’ve always been told at university to network and that networking is really important for the next step in your career as a creative. But I don’t think I actually understood what networking really meant. Until about 2 years ago. Originally, I thought networking was connecting with as many people as you could on LinkedIn, following people on Instagram, talking to people higher up than you so that potentially you'd get something out of it... like a job or a placement. Chatting to someone for 5 minutes and then never talking to them again, but then thinking well ‘at least I got my name out there’.
Which is all well and good, but what I began to realise is that it’s not just those things. It’s about making valuable connections with people that truly align with what you believe in. Regardless of their level of success or place in the industry. It’s about not being afraid to ask questions, to get in contact with someone that maybe helped you in some way by posting an advice piece, or they’re someone who is building a community that you really value or they said something in a talk that inspired you. It’s about going above and beyond and thanking those people that helped you in some way. Keeping conversations going and building strong relationships with people is so much more valuable. It gives people a boost & it helps you to reflect on the type of designer you want to be and the people you want to surround yourself with.
You expect that after a degree it’s going to be this huge scary thing and finding your place after being in a university bubble is going to be quite hard ( and to be honest I'm still scared to leave the comfort blanket of uni) but no matter where you are in your journey, degree or no degree, in reality, when you find the right people and the communities that are talking about the same things you believe in you start to realize that asking for help and support really isn't as scary as you first thought. Whenever I need a helping hand or advice I try to remember that these people were in my shoes once, or still are. Just the fact you’re getting your name out there is a huge accomplishment. But to always remember that the people you’re talking to now are going to be part of your whole journey, and you, hopefully, part of theirs.
It was during the middle of 2nd year that I started to find communities that were there to give a helping hand to creatives. I started to message different people via LinkedIn, Instagram and just ask for advice, see what they're up to in their creative practice and that’s how the podcast was born because people were saying such valuable stuff that I thought really needed shouting about.
It’s been through this that I’ve realised opportunities don’t just come to you, you make them. You go out there and you ask if you can be involved in stuff, you make it known that you’re out there and you’re passionate about what you do. And 9 times out of 10 that will only ever end in positive results.
“I’ve realised opportunities don’t just come to you, you make them.”
What gets me up in the morning is knowing that I’m part of an industry that loves to help people, that loves to share knowledge and give that little bit more back. It’s amazing to watch people grow in confidence and experience because they’ve asked for support- and are willing to give that support back. To be part of an industry where everyone is so passionate about what they do is incredible.
So, to all those people who are also in search of their place and their next steps... Just get talking, get sharing and search for those positive communities. It’s definitely made me feel less alone and a little more confident in what I can give as a creative.
I’d love to know, who’s helped / helping you along the way?
About the author
I am a final year graphic design student at Nottingham Trent and the creator of ‘Jorja’s Podcast’, where I speak to and collaborate with amazing creatives from all over the world.
I’m all about bright colours and creating joyful, positive projects. But above all else, I love to learn new things and chat with new people. Using my creativity to put some good out into the world!